Release History V18-2 Build 9000


General Points


The input option for imperial values has been revised fundamentally. In addition to the new "Quick input", enabling a simpler and quicker input of editable values in the imperial measuring system, the existing input option has been also enhanced significantly. Consequently, the new options "Base unit for input without feet/inch symbols", "Standard display" and "Quick input" have been incorporated into the pre-settings (ALt+F7) under the "Formatting of dimension figures" option. The setting option will only be available in the pre-settings if the imperial measuring system is active.
Users can determine the unit (yards, feet, inches) which is to be entered without symbols with the option "Base unit for input without foot/inch symbols". If the unit has, for example, been set to "Feet" and the value "1" entered into an editable value field, the value will be 1’ (feet). Therefore, users can determine, in principle, which units (yards, feet, inches) are to be worked with, without having to enter the respective symbols.
The setting "Standard display" determines how the values entered are to be displayed. If the standard display is, for example, set to "Feet and inches" and 1 yard is entered, then 3’ (feet) will be automatically displayed.
Another input option is to separate the units with a blank space. Thus, for example, the value 12’ 8½” can also be entered as 0 12 8 32 (input of values with the unit "Yard").
As an alternative to the setting options mentioned above, users can enter a pure sequence of numbers without symbols when the "Quick input" option is activated. The units are divided as follows:

18-2 realease history 2

In the "Quick Input": two figures each correspond to one unit. The standard input will be automatically used again if a number with decimal separators is entered. If the Quick Input function is activated, the input with Feet/Inches symbols and the input with decimal separators keep functioning as usual.
From now on, value input fields under an imperial setting can be used as a calculator analogue to the metric system.
Some examples for the enhanced setting options:

18-2 release history
  • Regardless of whether it is a metric or imperial setting, it is now also possible to select "Feet/Inches" for placeholders and the auto name allocation in addition to metric units.
  • The new 3D type of view "Hidden edges, dashed" has been added to the existing 3D types of view "Wire-frame", "Hidden edges", etc. to provide detail drawings in an even clearer and more substantial way. Just as in "Hidden edges, invisible", this type of view also calculates the visibility of individual edges, with the difference that all hidden edges with dashed lines are output. Consequently, the new icon "Hidden edges, dashed" has been integrated into all 3D toolbars. Access to the function is available in all 3D Views, with the function "Hidden edges invisible" working so far (3D Oblique view, North/South/East/West Elevation, Top view). If users want to see the processing in the mode "Hidden edges, dashed", they must be enabled (icon "Options to represent the processing" - "Processing in hidden edges").
    This mode is now active by default for the production drawings of timber components and steel parts. Thus, the side views and the multi-view orthographic projection are displayed very clearly with dashed lines. If, for example, a timber component is drawn, all hidden processing in the respective view will automatically be shown by dashed lines. The hidden edges in the production drawing for steel components will automatically be displayed by dashed lines in the multi-view orthographic projection.
    As with all dashed lines according to DIN, the output scale has a significant impact on the length of the individual lines. The higher the size of the scale, the longer the individual elements of the dashed line.
    The types of view "Hidden edges invisible" and "Hidden edges, dashed" have been enhanced significantly so that cylindrical objects (usually bolts and drillings) are no longer displayed with any interfering intermediate edges. The rounded inner and outer corners of all standard steel components (L, U, T, Z, I profiles) are also drawn without disturbing intermediate edges.
    The calculation of the hidden edges can take some time, depending on the number of components shown. The calculation now takes place in the background. Therefore, it is possible to continue working while the calculation in the program is going on. A small bar at the bottom of the drawing indicates the progress of the background calculation.
    The representation of plans with several frames has particularly become much faster.
    This is because several frames will now be calculated simultaneously – and not one after the other.


3D View Visualisation


  • As of Version 18-2, it is possible to use transparent graphics for the visualisation. It is important that the graphics are saved as Portable Network Graphics (*.png) for the display of transparent graphics in the program. The new option "Auto" has been introduced into the general "Textures" tab under "Covering / Transparent" for the display of such graphics as semi-transparent texture in the SEMA Program. All transparent places defined in the graphic will be displayed correctly after selecting this new option. <Feature Film Hidden Component Edges, Dashed>




  • The new placeholders "Wall length" and "Wall height" are now available under point "Component" for the evaluation of the maximum height and length of walls and roof/floor elements. These placeholders evaluate the length and height, including all layer projections. (Company Gumpp & Maier).
  • So far, it has only been possible to determine anchor points for CAD objects if the objects have been defined as a group previously. From now on, it is possible to mark individual CAD objects and then execute the Edit command "Others, 1/2/3 anchor points" directly. The program will automatically create a group from the components marked so that the anchor points can be determined directly.
  • The line reduction of CAD objects has been made much faster in Version 18-2. So far, the reduction of huge numbers of objects might have taken several minutes as of now, this will be completed in a fraction of the time. As a line reduction is automatically carried out when drawings are filed in images or a 4-sided view is produced, these commands also benefit significantly. <Feature Film Important details in CAD>
  • As of now, changes made in an auto-dimensioning will be updated automatically by the program. It is, therefore, no longer necessary to trigger the dimensioning manually via the gripper (DIM). <Feature Film Important details in CAD>
  • Height dimensions can now be created relative, absolute or related to the height above sea level. Consequently, the setting "Height" has been added to the first tab of the height dimension. The absolute dimensioning of windows, doors or macros in the wall view, related to the storey height, is, thus, possible. Setting "Above sea level": The height dimension accesses the value from the drawing manager and, correspondingly, calculates this value automatically on inputting.
    In addition to the new settings, the placeholders "Height relative", "Height absolute" and "Height above sea level" have been integrated. If these placeholders are used in a CAD text, they will evaluate the corresponding height at the current position of the text. In addition to this, the following placeholders have been made available: "Lintel height absolute", "Lintel height above sea level", "Parapet height absolute", "Parapet height above sea level", "Component bottom edge relative", "Component top edge relative", "Component bottom edge absolute", "Component top edge absolute", "Component bottom edge above sea level" and "Component top edge above sea level". <Feature Film Important details in CAD>
  • From now on, the centre of gravity determined can be dimensioned automatically by means of the auto-dimensioning feature for the wall view and roof and floor elements. Consequently, the link "centre of gravity" has been added to the auto-dimensioning, last tab "Det". When referring to a corresponding dimension line and the auto-dimensioning created, the centre of gravity will also be dimensioned. Note: The centre of gravity must be switched to active in the Display settings (F7) under Walls, Wall shape.




  • The Profile assistant is now a so-called "non-modal window". Thus, profile windows no longer have to be closed for the taking of those dimensions from a project that are required for the creation of profiles. What is more, almost all functions can be performed in the "Main program". It is, for example, possible to create/put up sections and views. It is possible to access the program parts CAD and dimensioning at any time.
    When switching to "Profiles/Dormers", under "Program Selection", the Profile Administration (BP“s own master data) will open. Users can select the profile of the roof, roof window, truss or dormer to be created. As usual, the profile can now be created conveniently in the Profile Assistant (show assistant mode). The progress made when creating profiles can be saved at any time in the "Assistant mode". Any missing input can be taken directly from the building project. (measuring with control command, auxiliary lines in the CAD, dimension lines, height dimensions, etc.) The eye-dropper functions make it possible to take values from profiles in the top view as well, and to transfer them into input fields of the profile.
    Some commands of the Roof Design, Rafter System and Truss will be inactive in a profile opened in order to avoid conflicts in the master data. It is not possible to save roof areas locally to the building project in a profile opened.
    Needless to say, the best option for this kind of working is the "two monitors system". The profile to be created can be displayed conveniently on the second monitor ““ the main monitor will display the ground plan or, for example, the sectional drawing of a roof already existing. <Feature Film Profile Assistant parallel to the project>


Carpenter's Dimensioning


  • It is now possible to display the machine angle for side cuts and jack cuts in the carpenter's dimensioning feature.
    A side cut is a non-vertical/non-horizontal eaves cut at members with vertical lateral areas lying inclined to the normal profile in a roof area.
    Side cuts may, thus, occur at hip rafters, valley rafters, inclined verge rafters and jacks, provided they are clipped and not tilted.
    The machine angle displayed is the angle by which the saw must be swung when cuts along the bevel of the side cut or perpendicular cut are performed.
    An angle of 0°(machine angle displayed) stands for a vertical saw blade.
    The machine angle of jacks displayed in the top view (F7/ Roof/ Rafter/ Jack rafter dimension) will be calculated in an identical way to standardise the output. (Machine angle 0°= Saw blade vertical)
    The display setting "Machine angle" (F7/ Single Member/ Carpenter's dim.) enables the angle in the Carpenter's dimensioning to be switched to active or inactive.
    Consequently, the machine angle of hip/valley rafters and inclined barge rafters will be displayed with "Minimum dimensioning" and the angle of inclined rafters and valley planks with "Maximum dimensioning".
    The machine angle in double side cuts, viewed in the direction of the component, will be displayed as "Green" for the left side and "Blue" for the right side.
    In addition, the placeholder “œ@B-MASCH-WINKEL@“ has been made available under the point “Component“. The machine angle can be inserted as a text block for elements by means of this placeholder.


Wall Floor


  • The edit command "Sequential number" has been developed for a faster and more efficient numbering of walls and elements. First, a wall or element has to be marked, then the new function can be selected. Subsequently, the new function can be called up via "Others, sequential numbers" to start the command in the bottom entry line.

  • The wall designation desired must be determined in the first line. An example of the numbering of exterior walls is "EW 100". The unit steps have to be defined in the next line. The unit steps will then be multiplied by the value defined previously. When both values have been entered, the new numbering walls can be gradually assigned to the individual walls. The first wall will, thus, be given the name "EW 100", the second wall will be given the name "EW 105", for example, if the value of the unit steps is 5. The new name will always be fixed at the mouse so that users see immediately which number is to be assigned next. <Feature Film Important details in timber construction>
  • A new function that enables the subsequent correction of the orientation of walls has been integrated into the SEMA Program. It is, therefore, possible to correct walls that have been entered incorrectly or created falsely via an import by just a few clicks. First, one or several walls have to be marked to enable the new function to be called up. The command is then called up via "Others, swap wall orientation" to start in the bottom entry line. The drawing area will now show the new direction of each wall. If a wall, for example, has been created from left to right, this symbolism will now show the new direction of the wall, which is from right to left. It is also possible to add further walls to the command subsequently. The query "Fixed axis" is called up via the entry line after clicking in the drawing area or on "Enter". Users can define here which edge is to remain fixed after the turning of the wall. The options outer edge and zero layer are available. Additionally, users can determine via an additional option (Alt+1) whether windows, doors and macros will also be swapped. Depending on the selection made, the position (on the Z axis) will or will not be changed after swapping. This additional function also determines whether the layer projections will be swapped to the other side of the wall in the layer projection menu. The command will be completed by another click in the drawing area or by clicking on "Enter". The special feature of this new function is that all geometries of the wall will be maintained. As turning the walls will change the zero point for division, creating members or coverings previously created anew is required. <Feature Film Important details in timber construction>
  • The new creation command "Allocate wall" has been incorporated into the Program Selection, under walls. It is now possible to replace the walls of a project by another wall master data in an even more exact manner. On executing this new command, the walls that are available in the master data will open as usual. The respective wall master data which is to replace the existing walls of the project must then be selected. Next, the corresponding walls should be marked one after the other by means of a marking box or by pressing the Ctrl key in the project. It is, however, also possible to mark walls first and, only then, call up the command. The next step is the definition of the reference of the existing walls. The newly allocated walls orientate at this reference point. The following reference points are available: Outer right, Right timber/wall, Centre timber/wall, Left timber/wall and outer left. The reference point of the existing wall defined, the reference of the new wall has then to be determined. This select menu provides all existing layers left and right, as well as Right timber/wall, Centre timber/wall and Left timber/wall of the new wall. The new position of the wall will be represented visually on the existing construction. Finally, the command should be confirmed by clicking "Ok", and then all existing walls will be replaced. This command comes with one special characteristic: the geometry of the existing walls will also be adopted.
  • Some useful commands have been enhanced and activated for more convenient working with floor shapes and floor openings.
    The command "Floor shape/Floor opening on polygon", which already exists in the program, has been enhanced. It is, thus, now possible to select rounded polygons or circles. Up to now, it was necessary to go over these forms by way of "Freeform".
    Floor openings can now be created via the Edit command "Punch". After marking the floor shape and punching within its shape, the program will automatically create a floor opening.
    The Edit command "Position" has been activated for the subsequent changing of the position of a floor shape/opening. It is, thus, possible to shift both components including the corresponding options. Of course, timbers (members) and coverings that are within the floor shape participate in this shifting. <Feature Film Important details in timber construction>
  • From now on, the reference points selected will be displayed visually and numbered so that working in the Design or Macro Container of windows and doors will be more convenient. After a macro has been defined for design, top view or view, the reference points selected will be numbered and highlighted visually with a red point. Quick checking of the reference points determined is, thus, possible later on.
  • Display Settings (F7): The option "Edge dimensions", under Coverings (Wall, Floor, Roof element and Floor element), has been enhanced. Dimensions in the view drawing can be suppressed by means of the input field behind the option "Edge dimensions from a width as of". The edge dimensions will no longer be displayed if the covering falls below the value defined previously. This option provides a much clearer display in the respective view, particularly in the case of very narrow coverings.
  • The Edit commands "Punch and adjoin object" have been activated for walls, floors, elements, layers, coverings, windows, doors and macro. This has the significant advantage that sophisticated and laborious geometries can be created initially with CAD objects and then transferred to the respective objects via the new commands. <Feature Film Important details in timber construction>
  • After the auto wall output of marked walls, all walls will be deselected correctly at the end of the command (Strüby).
  • Problems with the display of the wall shape might have occurred in a specific constellation of windows and macros. This has been corrected (Skaletzka).


Sheet Metal


  • Analogue to the Profile editor, the profile of folding components will also now be dimensioned automatically in the Production drawing. Consequently, the auto-dimensioning for folding components has been developed for both the Profile editor and the Production drawing. The auto-dimensioning can be set via a link in the pre-settings (Alt+F7) under "General", tab "Dimensioning". A reference field for a dimensioning is available under "Sheet metal profile, production drawing". The type "Sheet metal component" has been added to the master data to achieve a correct auto-dimensioning also in the profile of the production drawing. On selecting this type of dimensioning under the first tab "Auto", it is possible to switch on/off the data block for "Sheet metal component (Profile)", set the element dimensioning to values or numbers and determine the colour of the profile to the original or automatic colour via colour variation. There are two reference fields available under the tab "Dim". The reference field "Horizontal dimension line" refers to the Profile dimensioning, the reference field "Master data" refers to the data block. Only the "Optics" tab will be used from the master data allocated here. It is, thus, possible to set the dimensioning and data block with differing colours, sizes and fonts. As usual, dimensions and texts can now also be copied, changed or shifted (position) with the Edit commands. All changes made will be abandoned in the case of a new dimensioning.
    Changes made in the master data allocated will also have a direct effect on the Profile editor. Regardless of the settings made in the dimensioning master data, all display buttons of the Profile editor will function as usual.
    The plan template of the Production drawing has also been revised in the course of the auto-dimensioning of the folding profiles. <Feature Film Folding profile in production drawing>


Stair Design


  • From Version 18-2 on, it is possible to call up an overall developed view of a stair side for an effective overview of the overall stair situation. All components can be checked at a glance with this view to carry out manual changes if required.
    The respective overall view of a stair side is reached by marking an overall shape of string (ST), handrail (HR), rail (RA), cut string (CS) or the balusters field (BF) and clicking the icon "Component view" (hotkey F4) in the top toolbar. The stair side can be switched with "Picture up" or "Picture down". Users can switch between the various component planes by means of "Scroll back railing plane" or "Scroll forward railing plane" in the floating menu "Stairs" (Stair control) if several components (string, handrail, rail and cut string) or a railing have been allocated to a stair side. Users can switch to the single developed view of the respective component selected in the overall developed view in the same menu with "Switch between single component developed view and overall developed view". Vice versa, when users are in the single component developed view, they can switch to the overall developed view of the stair side.
    The components string, handrail, cut string and rail will each be displayed with their inside (calculation line), balusters will be displayed on their axis in the overall developed view. Different planes with differing values will, thus, be created. The value is always calculated based on the underlying flight element or stair polygon. A negative or positive value will be displayed, depending on whether the component lies within the flight element or the stair polygon. If a string, for example, lies directly on the edge of the stair polygon, the menu "Stairs" will display "String 0.00". If the string is outside the stair polygon, the string will be displayed with positive values ““ if the string lies within, negative values will be displayed.
    If a component is marked in the overall developed view, the respective possible Edit commands, such as, for example, "Cut", "Abut", "Punch", "Add", "Position", "Modify", "End type", "Delete", "Calculate" and "Texture 3D", are available. Users can, thus, change the position of posts and balusters or lengthen/shorten them. Corner connections of board components can be edited by using the "Cut" command. Users can add or punch a box, a freeform or an object by means of "Punch" or "Add to board components". It is possible to allocate end types ““ dowels, 3D objects or top brackets can be subsequently positioned anew. <Feature Film Overall developed view of stairs>
    It is possible to have string margin circles displayed in the display settings of the stair (F7), tab "Developed view". Therefore, whether the string margin dimension set is still met after a manual change has been made can be checked.
  • The large number of new commands for the spline adaption enables users to design the respective board components (string, handrail, rail and cut string) in an individual and structural way.
    A new function, the "Spline adaption", can be called up with the "Position" command by marking one or several board components of the same type in the overall developed view of a stair. "From" which point "To" which point the spline shall be adapted can then be entered. The mouse pointer indicates whether one is on the top or the bottom side of the component. The first click ("From") determines the beginning, the second click ("To") determines the end of the desired area to be adapted. If the beginning or end of a component is within the area selected, users can determine whether the "Centre", the "Beginning" or the "End" should be adapted. This can either be determined and confirmed in the entry line or the position to be changed can be selected via a mouse click. The spline is now attached to the mouse pointer and can be positioned anew.
    There are four adaption options at the bottom right of the entry line by which you can determine the calculation fundamentals to be used for the new spline. In principle, the original spline will be deleted in the area selected.
    A base point through which the spline runs, and which ends at the beginning point and end point, can be inserted with "P" (Point).
    The height difference is distributed linearly to several base points with "L" (Linear). The result will be displayed at the mouse pointer.
    The height difference is distributed to several base points by a quadratic function (X to the power of 2) with "QD". The result will be displayed at the mouse pointer.
    The height difference is distributed to several base points by a quartic function (X to the power of 4) with "QT". The result will be displayed at the mouse pointer.
    Two further options are available for the transfer of the changed spline to the same or other components.
    The option "Parallel calculation of counter edge" will transfer the spline adaption to the opposite component edge. The parallelism in the area changed will be adhered to.
    The curve can be transferred to other components (handrail, rail) by means of the option "Adapt dependent components / curves". Note: The correct "Reference edge", such as "Strings top edge", must be defined for the curve calculation in the component data record of the respective components. If the "Reference edge", for example, is set to "Treads front edge", this option will have no effect.
    The options "Reset bottom edge to original" and "Reset top edge to original" are available in the entry line, serving to reset a spline changed back to the spline originally calculated. The component desired must be marked and the respective option selected via mouse click to carry out a reset. <Feature Film Overall developed view of stairs>
    Users can check whether the string margin required is still met in an adaption by switching the string margin circles in the Display Settings (F7) of the string visibly, tab "Developed View".
  • Risers: The new connection option "Riser will be mortised into tread with back edge", tab "Con", is now available for the "Connection at top". It is possible to define a groove width and a groove depth under the parameter for the "Profile top edge". <Feature Film Important details in stair design>
  • The mitre area of a cut string has not been exported in a specific case. This has been corrected (Company EBS).
  • The machine export has been enhanced to enable a floating bell or a profile cutter the machining of treads with different distances to the component in one machining cycle. Users can activate the multiple export of the front edge, back edge and the side edges of the tread with the setting "TSUMRISS = 1" in the inifile.
    In the inifile, a copy is made of the origin edge, the tread front edge in this example, and reinserted with an ID number (hundred thousand number). The distance (in millimetres) to the origin edge can be entered with the setting "LPARAM_REAL_0 =" .
  • Origin edge tread front edge:
    KT_STUFE_VK ; Edge type tread front edge
    IDNR=1110 ; identifies the edge (firmly assigned)
    FARBE=3 ; Colour number as in ACAD 0..255
    LTYPE=AUSGEZOGEN ; Type, one from the list at the beginning
    LNAME=STUFE_VORDER_KANTE ; The name of the line can be individually chosen)
    LAYER= STUFE_VORDER_KANTE ; Name of layer (free input)
    PLINE=5 ; 0: Output as individual lines
    ; 1: Output as polyline
    ; 3: Output with arcs of a circle or individual lines
    ; 4: Output with arcs of a circle or polyline
    ; 5: Output as polyline with integrated arcs of a circle
  • New edge at a distance from the edge of origin:
    ;KT_STUFE_VK_PROFILFRAESER ; Edge type tread front edge
    IDNR=101110 ; identifies the edge (firmly assigned)
    FARBE=150 ; Colour number as in ACAD 0..255
    LTYPE=AUSGEZOGEN ; Type, one from the list at the beginning
    LNAME=STUFE_VORDER_KANTE_P ; Name of line (free input)
    LAYER= STUFE_VORDER_KANTE_P ; Name of layer (free input)
    PLINE=5 ; 0: Output as individual lines
    LPARAM_REAL_0 =6 ; 1: Output as polyline
    ; 3: Output with arcs of a circle or individual lines
    ; 4: Output with arcs of a circle or polyline
    ; 5: Output as polyline with integrated arcs of a circle <Feature Film Important details in stair design>
  • The names of DXF+ Files can now be created by users themselves. More information on the respective building projects are available for integration into the file name. Thus, the components can be identified and sorted better by their defined names during the manufacturing process. A prologue (preface) and an epilogue (afterword) can be created for each file for the clear definition of DXF+ Files. Information from the building projects fields 0-30, the internal storey number, the storey abbreviation and the stair number can be evaluated by means of placeholders.
    Example of a tread that has initially been output without additional information, and then output with the additional information 'building project number from the building project properties' and the information of the storey from the Drawing Manager, once as a prologue and once as an epilogue:
    Generated file name of a tread without prologue or epilogue: TS_5_0_N.DXF
    Generated file name of a tread with a prologue " TS_PROLOG = @BV-FELD0@@Z-GESCHOSS-NAME = @": 006DachgeschossTS_5_0_N.DXF
    Generated file name of a tread with an epilogue "TS_EPILOG = @BV-FELD0@@Z-GESCHOSS-NAME@": TS_5_0006Dachgeschoss_N.DXF
    The prologues for normal components and optimizations are provided in the following:
    AB_PROLOG = Tread covering
    AN_PROLOG = Tread return nosing
    TS_PROLOG = Tread
    SS_PROLOG = Riser
    SB_PROLOG = Curtail riser
    WA_PROLOG = String
    WK_PROLOG = String-Wreath
    HO_PROLOG = Cut string
    AK_PROLOG = Cut string-Wreath
    HL_PROLOG = Handrail
    HK_PROLOG = Handrail-Wreath
    HW_PROLOG = Handrail volute horizontal
    HS_PROLOG = Handrail volute vertical
    HC_PROLOG = Handrail capping
    HF_PROLOG = Handrail fitting
    GU_PROLOG = Rail
    GK_PROLOG = Rail-Wreath
    GW_PROLOG = Rail volute horizontal
    GS_PROLOG = Rail volute vertical
    GC_PROLOG = Rail capping
    GF_PROLOG = Rail fitting
    WAHA_ PROLOG = Optimization string handrail
    WAGU_ PROLOG = Optimization string handrail
    HOHA_ PROLOG = Optimization cut string handrail
    HOGU_ PROLOG = Optimization cut string rail
    HAGU_ PROLOG = Optimization handrail rail
    VERLEIM_ PROLOG = Gluing optimization
    PLATTE_ PROLOG = Optimization string handrail
  • The epilogues for normal components and optimizations are provided in the following:
    AB_EPILOG = Tread covering
    AN_EPILOG = Tread return nosing
    TS_EPILOG = Tread
    SS_EPILOG = Riser
    SB_EPILOG = Curtail riser
    WA_EPILOG = String
    WK_EPILOG = String-Wreath
    HO_EPILOG = Cut string
    AK_EPILOG = Cut string-Wreath
    HL_EPILOG = Handrail
    HK_EPILOG = Handrail-Wreath
    HW_EPILOG = Handrail volute horizontal
    HS_EPILOG = Handrail volute vertical
    HC_EPILOG = Handrail capping
    HF_EPILOG = Handrail fitting
    GU_EPILOG = Rail
    GK_EPILOG = Rail-Wreath
    GW_EPILOG = Rail volute horizontal
    GS_EPILOG = Rail volute vertical
    GC_EPILOG = Rail capping
    GF_EPILOG = Rail fitting
    PF_EPILOG = Post
    ST_EPILOG = Baluster
    NE_EPILOG = Nesting
    EXT_EPILOG = Extrusion object
    WAHA_EPILOG = Optimization string handrail
    WAGU_EPILOG = Optimization string handrail
    HOHA_EPILOG = Optimization cut string handrail
    HOGU_EPILOG = Optimization cut string rail
    HAGU_EPILOG = Optimization handrail rail
    VERLEIM_EPILOG = Gluing optimization
    PLATTE_EPILOG = Board optimization
  • The evaluated placeholders are as follows:
    @BV-FELD0@ - @BV-FELD30@ BP field 0 to 30
    @Z-GESCHOSS-NR-INTERN@ Internal storey number
    @Z-GESCHOSS-NAME@ Storey name
    @Z-GESCHOSS-KUERZEL@ Storey abbreviation
    @TR_TREPPENNUMMER@ Tr_treppennummer


3D Objects


  • As of Version 18-1, it is possible to allocate a display type for almost all 3D Objects/Groups, with the exemption of 3D Editing, 3D Points and 3D Lines. Connectors created from extrusion objects can, thus, be given the display status "Timber fasteners". Consequently, the "Display setting" - "Display type" has been added to the 3D Objects, tab "Ot". This option will only be displayed in the Master data manager. This option will be hidden as soon as an object has been inserted into the building project. By default, the display type is set to "3D Object". This type of display can be set one-time to "3D Timber fasteners" or "3D Editing" in the Master data manager. The display type will become inactive and cannot be changed again after the master data has been changed and saved. The 3D Object will react to the corresponding Display Settings (F7), depending on the display type set.


Single Member


  • From now on, drillings for the rafter nail will be created during a BTL or BTLX export if the rafter-nail drill has been set "as separate drilling" in the General settings => Bird's mouth. (Company EBH)


Master Data Macros Program


  • The option "Only show branches with data" (Master data manager) is now considerably faster.
  • The input and encoding of passwords in the Master data manager have been enhanced again. Passwords of existing master data can be easily changed, assigned subsequently or removed completely. The properties of the Master data folder can be called up to access the password input. If users want to assign a password at an existing Master data folder, they have to put a check in front of field password. A password with a maximum of 10 characters can then be entered. The password can be displayed without encoding by means of the icon next to the entry line for a clearer and more convenient input. After confirming with "OK", the password will be saved permanently with the folder. The properties of the folder have to be called up again in order to delete an existing password. The program will then ask for the existing password. After the correct input of the password, the check in front of the entry line can be removed. However, if the password is to be changed, the check can be put in again and a new password defined.


Quantity Systems


  • The Z coordinate of 3D points and 3D lines has been advanced (F7 settings). The absolute height, the relative height or the height above sea level can now be switched to visible either optionally or in combination. The information will be displayed in both the top view and 3D view. Another new feature is that the Free Component Labelling will be displayed with the flag of the corresponding 3D point or 3D line.