Design tie beams in 3D

The basis for free design in all 3D views and vertical and horizontal sections with free roof areas was already laid in the previous version.  Even then it was possible to place rafters and purlins directly in free roof areas in the 3D mode. As of now, tie beams are also created in the 3D view and in sections.

Tie beams can be read in from a profile or placed on free height. When entering data, particular importance has been attached to intuitive operation. Users are constantly supported visually by means of an interactive preview.


A classic case of application is particularly in the field of renovation. Due to the new feature, projects recorded as a 3D point cloud and working in this virtual reality have become significantly easier when designing timbers on free roof areas. The components are placed and created directly in 3D, regardless of whether these are rafters, purlins or now also tie beams. The input is much easier for the user and results are achieved faster.
