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Issues are directly linked to the positions and objects in the model and can be called up via a web browser or directly from the respective BIM software. Simply click on an issue in your own BIM tool and the issue will be zoomed to its position in your model.
The connection to the BIMcollab cloud for the exchange of collisions, tasks or notes is possible via the BCF format (version 3.0) by means of the new SEMA version.
Every SEMA user can start with a free BIMcollab cloud account in order to get to know the various possibilities and benefits. (
After registration, a "BCF connection" to the BIMcollab cloud will be created in the SEMA program with just a few mouse clicks and the BIMcollab project will be linked and connected to the SEMA project.
Then the new user information (issues) can be conveniently set as usual in the SEMA Control Center, with or without a component link to the SEMA project. The user information for BIMcollab contains additional properties such as type, editor, priority, status, and so on, which must be determined and defined in the project settings for all parties involved.
This user information can now be provided with comments that can be changed at any time. A freely selectable 3D view of the current representation in the SEMA program can be linked to the issue to achieve a better visualization of the newly created comment.
This issue can then be synchronized with the BIMcollab cloud so that all connected project members can respond accordingly in their BIM software. This allows for bidirectional communication between all parties.
Cross-platform, optimized planning is thus guaranteed. Collisions and issues are identified across trades - the resulting tasks and comments are exchanged and implemented by means of a clear communication.