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A master data folder can be specified as a system folder under the "Master folder" tab in the master data manager. All the crucial master data for certain automatic features, such as automatically generated dimensions, auto corners for the wall automatism or nesting master data, should be stored centrally here. This system folder is marked with a gear symbol in the master data manager. In this way, unintentional changes to automatic features can be excluded. With the installation of the new SEMA version, the last active root folder automatically becomes the system folder. This setting can be changed if necessary.
All master data folders are displayed on the left side of the master data manager: This allows for an improved overview and simplifies work with multiple master data folders. Read-only folders are marked with a lock symbol. The respective properties of the folder can be accessed with a double click.
If several master data folders are active in a create command, the individual master data are grouped and displayed subdivided. This way it is made clear which and how much master data are contained in the respective folder.
When storing CAD or MCAD macros, the selection of available master data folders is displayed so that read-only folders can be recognized directly. When saving macros, the selection automatically jumps to a master data folder that is not read-only.
When saving roof surfaces from a project, the query as to whether these roof surfaces should be saved locally to the building project or globally in the master data no longer exists. The button "Locally to the building project" is now replaced by the master data window that opens, with the master folder "BP-Own master data" displayed in blue background.