This new feature provides another option to optimize design processes. Roof layer edges can now be cut to surfaces rapidly and practically in 3D. This significantly reduces the construction effort and allows for even more precision and clarity.
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This new feature provides another option to optimize design processes. Roof layer edges can now be cut to surfaces rapidly and practically in 3D. This significantly reduces the construction effort and allows for even more precision and clarity.
SEMA is now even more efficient: The new release of the SEMA program makes it possible to cut roof layer edges to another surface in just one step in the 3D view or in various vertical sections. This saves time and effort, enhances precision and enables seamless integration in different views.
So far it was difficult to capture the roof layer, especially when in the top view, because in this view some layers are above and some layers are below the roof design. What's more, all roof layers had to be cut individually to the surface. Cutting the roof layers was also time-consuming in the case of an inclined reference purlin: In this case, the surface first had to be moved into the appropriate position and the surface had to be given a different angle so that it nestled against the reference purlin.
All these individual steps are no longer necessary now and craftsmen can save valuable time by employing this new feature. It is now possible to cut several layers to one surface at the same time in the SEMA program. Accordingly, users first select the layers to be cut and then click on “Mark object details”. Individual roof layer edges and the corresponding surfaces can now be controlled using this new mode. The relevant roof layer edges can be selected and cut to a surface as usual by means of the “Cut” command. In this way, it is for example also possible to easily mitre-cut mansard roof surfaces.
Another advantage: The cutting angle adjusts automatically with an inclined reference purlin, so that the angle dimension no longer needs to be additionally determined. Also the timbers in individual roof layers no longer have to be cut individually. These timbers are automatically calculated and cut.
Roof layer edges can be cut to surfaces both in the 3D view and in vertical sectional views. In certain cases, this work step is easier in a vertical section anyway: Users can draw auxiliary lines in the vertical view and use these other reference lines to cut the roof layer edges to the surface if the surface is not available at all in the 3D representation.
Overall, the cutting of roof layer edges has now become much clearer and can be done quicker than in the previous version. Craftsmen significantly benefit from the more efficient way of working and improved results and can provide their customers with the highest measure of quality and professionalism.