Quick input with just a few clicks: The path to these benefits is via the menu item 3CAD and the sub-item 3D point, in which the desired designation is entered. Then, the now activated 6th or 7th option is used to select the desired fastener or component. If the 3CAD point is set, the context menu indicates that a concrete anchor, for example, is subordinate to it. The representation of the 3CAD points can be influenced in the "Optics" tab (O). Users can choose between "Cross" (standard) or "Minimum" (pixel), which can be saved back as the standard when prioritizing.
Know how thanks to familiar menu items: A 3CAD point can be modified like any other 3CAD object. The anchor point always moves with: If users want to change the position, the reference point or the distance of anchored 3D points, they can use the "Anchor" tab, already familiar from the creation or editing of existing components such as fasteners.