Exporting Tenons With Freely Definable Rotation Angle

Tenons at the top and bottom – however, the angles differ by degrees: In order to create such constructions faster and more effectively, it is now possible to export tenons with freely definable rotation angles (0°-360°) for the BTL(x) and BVX export. For this purpose, the free input of degrees has been added to the tenon end type in the "Tenon direction" setting.

Individual and quickly manufactured: The new input option significantly accelerates and simplifies the effective manufacturing of individually aligned tenons.

This makes it easier, for example, to manufacture roof constructions in which the transverse roof runs at any angle to the main roof. If both structures are connected with a post, for example, the angle of the bottom tenon must be aligned differently than the angle of the top tenon.

In very rare cases the deviation is 90 degrees, individual degrees are more common.


Convenient input in just a few steps: A few inputs in 3D under the menu item 'End type' allow for the individual rotation of the tenon so that it can be manufactured in a structurally correct manner. For example, to define the top tenon by means of free angle input, the tenon is selected in the master data menu and the desired angle (tenon direction) is entered. For better visual adjustment, the data can be combined with a marking out of approx. 2 cm.


Instant control option: The change is visible in the screen image for the end type and can now be confirmed. Consequently, the tenon is automatically recalculated and is therefore structurally positioned in an optimal way. The post to be edited can then be exported to the cambium via the BTL(x) output or the BVX output. After the export, the tenon can be checked and manufactured with the various rotation angles as usual.