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IFC Import
A preview function has been integrated into the IFC import dialog window. Even before the import, the data to be imported can be displayed three-dimensionally and assessed, just as the data will later be transferred to the SEMA program. Either the original colour of the component at the time of creation or, if there are no colour definitions, the component colours pre-set in the SEMA program can be used and displayed for the colour representation. Furthermore, roofs and roof shapes are often modelled in different ways by external programs and it can now be decided before starting the import whether a SEMA roof area should be created from the bottom/top side of the IFC roof shape.
Data exchange for storeys
The administration of storeys in the SEMA program has been revised to further enhance the IFC data exchange for storeys. In the SEMA program, storeys are listed with walls and floors separated. In external programs, it is often the case that the walls and floors of the respective storey are combined in one storey as a whole. This has now been taken into account and it is now possible to combine wall and floor storeys in the SEMA program. During both import and export, the data is considered per storey and read and written correctly.
Intelligent IFC export
Only marked or only visible components can now be exported during an IFC export. It is then important that higher-priority components are also exported, otherwise essential information would be lost. This is done automatically in the SEMA program. If, for example, only a single or several marked wall members are exported, the wall shape will be automatically included since the members are compulsorily linked to the wall. Without link to the wall shape, the wall members would be standing in the room without any reference.