Moving roof layer edges in the 3D view

Planning is significantly optimized by moving roof layer edges in the 3D view and in various sectional views by means of this new feature and the "Mark object details" command.

This new feature in the field of roof layers provides the possibility of very easily snapping roof layer edges in the 3D representation as well as in the vertical and horizontal sections.
As soon as the desired layer edge is marked, it can now be changed or moved as desired. Thanks to the visualized representation, the 3D view offers the best option for the quick and effective snapping of the layer edges.


In the sectional views (horizontal / vertical), layer edges can also be easily snapped, marked and changed by holding down the shift key. For example, users can easily change the edge of the roof layer from rectangular to vertical or adjust the length, for example to the edge of the wall layer.


- Saving of time: Valuable time can be saved during the planning process by quickly moving layers in 3D and in vertical/horizontal intersections
- Precision: Reference points can now be snapped directly in the 3D view or in section
- Some more overview: More efficient planning through clear and easy handling in 3D
- Easy handling: This new feature now provides the same behaviour as in the wall