Project Monitor for Monitoring and Updating Linked IFC Files

Using the Project Monitor, projects can be processed and updated even more efficiently, easily and quickly with SEMA. Different plan statuses can be easily compared and errors resulting from the continuation of outdated plan versions can be eliminated.

The Project Monitor reports as soon as a new plan version is available and allows the comparison with two previous versions. As a direct link to the building project, it also facilitates the updating of project versions. Monitoring and processing is made via IFC links. The only prerequisite for monitoring is the linking of the desired IFC files in the previously imported project via the "File Import / IFC Import" menu item.


Easy navigation: Once activated, the Project Monitor lists all projects that contain a monitored IFC link. The Project Monitor highlights the currently edited project again and shows the name of the IFC file, the storage location and the current date. If monitoring is no longer required, it can be deactivated in the Drawing Manager. If a monitored building project is blocked by another workstation, it will be greyed out.


Immediate notification of changes: If a monitored IFC file has been updated, red icons appear on the computers connected to the monitoring (provided that both computers are working with the same IFC link in the same SEMA building project) to indicate the new planning status.


Direct access to the project: Users can now switch directly to the corresponding project and update the IFC link with or without a preview as desired by double-clicking or via the icon.


Better traceability, faster processing: In order to better understand previously made changes, the menu item Display options (F7 Options) offers the possibility to display and activate not only the current version but also the previous and the pre-previous versions. For verification, abbreviations (0) show the current version and the previous versions (-1, -2) in the 3D representation. Based on the comparison, the plan change can be immediately incorporated into the processing process. For example, the offset wall can be moved via the position command and the wall automatism can be set and executed again, if possible. Consequently, the construction can be adapted to the new planning version in just a few steps.