Release History V18-1 Build 8800


General Points


  • The Start centre has been given a new look and the functionality enhanced. The list of building projects used last has been enlarged. Direct access to up to 20 projects is now possible. In addition, the building project used last is active and ready to call up with "ENTER" when entering the Start centre. Users can also scroll the list by using the arrow keys.
  • A new function which searches and then marks all components of a building project has been incorporated into Version 18-1. It is, thus, possible to search and mark components with specific cross-sections or components that exceed specific component lengths. This new function can be found in the bottom entry line of the program, next to the "Unmark" button. The options for selection and entry will open by clicking the new symbol (magnifier):

  • Users can open another window via the last button (magnifier with toothed wheel) for the definition of the search settings. The component value which is to be searched for must be defined in the first entry line. The menu for the selection of placeholders will open after clicking into this line - users can either select placeholders suggested by the program or custom-designed placeholders. The second field serves to define the search relationship. The following options are available: = equal, < less than, > greater than, ≠ unequal, ≤ less than or equal to, and ≥ greater than or equal to. The value which is to be searched for must be entered in the last field. It is possible to search for several values by using a semicolon as a delimiter. The program automatically searches for and proposes all component values that have been found for the placeholder set. In the case of searching for a width, all widths of the components currently visible will be listed. Moreover, the values proposed can be updated subsequently via F3. Inactive or non-visible components are not considered.
    The following settings are, thus, required when users want to search for components longer than 7.00 metres:
    Placeholder "Length", search relationship ">" (greater than) and value "7.00". The window closes after clicking "start search" and all components visible with a length greater than 7.00 metres will be marked automatically.
    It is possible to combine up to 8 search requests to refine the search. Another line can be added by clicking the green "plus icon" at the end of the first search. In addition to this, a pull-down menu will open behind the first line; options "AND", "OR" are provided. The search settings for components greater than 7.00 metres or less than 30 centimetres might look as follows:
    First line: Placeholder "Length", search relationship ">" (greater than), value "7.00" and "OR" in the pull-down menu.
    Second line: Placeholder "Length", "<" (less than), value "0.30".
    One possible example for selection "AND" might look as follows:
    First line: Placeholder "Length", search relationship ">" (greater than), value "7.00" and option "AND" in the pull-down menu.
    Second line: Placeholder "Component designation", search relationship "=" (equal), purlin.
    Thus, all purlins greater than 7.00 metres in the project would be marked.
    The additional search request can be deleted by clicking the trashcan icon at the end of the respective line. These search requests can even be refined by clicking the >> more ... >> button. There, users can determine if all or only marked components are to be searched for and marked. Moreover, a search can be performed in all storeys or limited to the current storey. Case sensitivity can be (de)activated when searching for texts. In addition, all search relationships can be reversed quickly via the button "Reverse selection" - ">" (greater than) will, thus, become "≤" (less than or equal to).
    The 6 search requests used last will be listed in the pull-down menu (bottom toolbar). The program will create a name referring to the criteria set automatically. Search requests created previously can be started by clicking "Enter" or the icon next to the pull-down menu. When one opens the pull-down menu, it is possible to generate a favourite by clicking the pin symbol behind the name of one search performed previously. The favourites created will be sorted alphabetically and saved permanently. They can, thus, be selected again for reuse at any time. Search requests can easily be removed from the list of favourites by clicking the star symbol behind the name.
    When the pull-down menu is closed, users can delete search requests via a right-click, rename the search requests or define user commands. The usual window for the definition of user commands will open after selecting the user command. It is possible to determine a name, a description and a symbol. After the command has been defined correctly, it will be integrated into the "Customize menu" under the category "My_Buttons". The command can then be placed in a toolbar anywhere in the program. It is, thus, possible to place any number of search requests desired easily and quickly, and start with just one click. Naturally, search request commands created previously can be modified in the "Customize menu" at any time via the "Modify..." button. All existing components can be filtered out quickly and easily by means of the options described before. <Feature Film Search and Mark>
  • Working with computer workstations can be facilitated significantly by using high-definition display equipment. The interaction between optional and individual enlargement (Windows settings) of the image displayed can result in an enormous improvement of the ergonomics of each workplace:
    High image definition of all image parts at any image size desired!
    Based on the developments achieved in the SEMA Power feature, the new SEMA Version 18-1 makes the most of the advantages of high-definition display devices to provide enhanced ergonomics and sensation at computer workstations.
    Various factors work together to determine image sharpness. One of these factors is the size of the display device. The size of a display device (e.g. monitor) is usually specified via the length of the screen diagonal. The unit of length used is usually "inch". In addition, the "width-to-height ratio", for example 16:9, is indicated.
    Another factor is the definition of the display device. Digital devices use many individual points (pixels) to display images. The definition of a display device is defined as the pair of values of pixels included which the device comprises in terms of width and height.
    A monitor that features 1920 (display width) x 1080 pixels (display height), for example, would be called: Definition: 1920 x 1080 pixels, name "full high definition" (Full HD).
    The so-called pixel density (pixels per inch), i.e. the number of pixels used by the device per length (area), is determined in terms of the image sharpness possible. The term "PPI" (pixels per inch) is often used for monitors; "DPI" (dots per inch), on the other hand, is common for printers.
    The higher the native DPI/PPI (the more pixels per inch used), the higher the possible sharpness of the image display. Given the same size, monitors with Ultra HD (4K) definition, thus, have a higher pixel density. An Ultra HD (4K) monitor, size 28 inch, with a native definition of 3840 x 2160, for example, has a pixel density of 157 PPI. A Full HD monitor with the same size (28 inch) and a native definition of 1920 x 1080 has a pixel density of only 78 PPI. The image definition on the 4K monitor is, thus, four times higher - images are displayed significantly sharper.
    The SEMA Software now provides the maximum image sharpness for each pixel density and is, thus, "DPI aware".
    The new hardware recommendations should be considered to achieve the best possible working with Ultra HD monitors. Windows 10 is, for example, the prerequisite in multi-screen systems with an Ultra HD monitor - this is because Windows 10 is the first operating system able to scale screens differently. (Link to hardware recommendations).
    Employing this new feature, the user interface of the SEMA software has also been adapted to the current standard. All SEMA icons have been replaced by scalable vector graphics. The design of the icons has been standardised and improved significantly regarding content. A modern flat optics without colour gradient has been provided for the user interface. <Feature Film SEMA Power Part 3: Perfect Optics on 4K Monitors>
  • A slider for symbol sizes has been added to the "Customize" menu, tab "Options". It is possible to set the size for all toolbars globally by means of this slider. All toolbars will be displayed with maximum sharpness due to the new icon technology. The initial size is the scaling set by Windows. Under the tab "toolbars", any toolbar can be individually given a size by using the same technology, providing an even higher level of individual ergonomics for users working at their workplace. <Feature Film SEMA Power Part 3: Perfect Optics on 4K Monitors>
  • The creation of user buttons (defined user command) has been revised under "Symbols". As usual, the "Symbol from preview" feature can be used. The preview for all possible steps of the symbol size will be displayed here automatically. Users can, as usual, allocate a file as preview via "Symbol from file...". As an additional option, it is now also possible to load *.svg files (scalable vector graphics). If pixel graphics are used instead of vector graphics, the definition of an additional and enlarged variant in the pixel format might become necessary.
    Under "SEMA Symbols", all SEMA icons are provided in the form of vector graphics. They are displayed with maximum sharpness in any enlargement selected. <Feature Film SEMA Power Part 3: Perfect Optics on 4K Monitors>


Rafter System


  • The sequence of commands when creating roof windows has been enhanced. (Kiefer).
  • The rafter length displayed was not updated correctly in a specific case. This has been corrected. (Eiblmayer)




  • As of now, the line thickness of a dimension line can be transferred correctly into the master data using the eye dropper. (Pfletschinger)
  • The visibility switch has been enhanced with regard to grouped polygons. (IKB)
  • The CAD macros of the SEMA working master data and original master data have been enhanced. Concrete anchors, concrete screws, threaded rods, timber screws, timber-concrete composite systems, pan-head screws, metric screws, countersunk head screws, steel dowels, flat head screws and cylinder head screws are provided in the group fasteners. The new CAD macros will only be available automatically in the case of a new installation of the version. Users can of course pick these macros (individually or in groups) into existing working master data.


Wall Floor


  • The display of wall shapes in the "Wall view" has been optimised in a specific case. (Skaletzka)


Sheet Metal


  • The new SMX (Sheet Metal Exchange) interface will be available as of Version 18-1. This standardised interface for production data in sheet metal work has been developed by SEMA in cooperation with several manufacturers of machines for sheet metal work. At present, this interface enables the control of machines produced by the Jorns, Thalmann, Schröder and Trumpf companies. Consequently, the command "Export to Sheet Metal Working Machine" – to be selected under "File" – has been enhanced. In addition to "Schechtl S-Touch", "SMX Export" will now also be available.
    The usual export settings can be called up, changed or saved in the export dialogue; it is also possible to determine the export path and the file name.
    "SMX export" has also been added to the presettings (Alt+F7). (Lists / Single Member, Single Member, Current Sheet Metal Working Machine)
    Sheet metal components can be exported directly from the drawing via "SMX" – analogous to timber components. The icon will start the export to sheet metal working machines or wood-working machines, depending on the type of component marked. As standard, the export used last will always be offered – this will be displayed in the hint of the icon. The export dialogue behaves identically to the export from the single member list.
    The "Bend Shortening" for sheet metal components has been introduced in the course of the SMX interface. An indispensable introduction, since the sheet metal will lengthen along the bending position due to the stretching of the metal. The sheet metal will be defined as shortened, so that it achieves the length desired after bending. Both the geometric and the physical effect will be considered. The geometric effect makes the respective rounding, generated by the bending, be displayed directly at the sheet metal component. The neutral fibre of the sheet metal in the bending will be shifted respectively for the calculation (physical effect).
    The bend shortening can be set under "Alt+F7", category "Evaluation", tab "Coverings". The "DIN 6935" for the bend shortening according to DIN or the "DIN Plus T15" for the specific bend shortening of Thalmann machines can be set in the selection field of the "Bend Shortening". By setting "DIN 6935", the field "Tool Radius for DIN Shortening [mm]" becomes active for the definition of the relevant tool radius. By setting "DIN Plus T15", the field for the tool radius will be inactive. A table containing the relevant evaluations depending on the strength class of the material has been stored for the "DIN Plus T15". This table will be run in the background and the components evaluated correspondingly.
    Consequently, the master data of sheet metal components has also been enhanced. Users can determine the type of bend shortening used under the tab "Ma" of each master data. The strength class of the material, crucial for the correct calculation of the bend shortening according to "DIN Plus T15", can be defined under the tab "Ot".
    Thanks to these new features, all sheet metal components in the SEMA program will now be calculated correctly in view, developed view and evaluation.
    <Feature Film Machine Export / SMX Interface>




  • Under the command "Optimisation of stairs components", the "Nesting Manager" now provides the new nesting functions "Optimisation cut string/handrail" and "Optimisation cut string/rail", in addition to the existing nesting functions "Optimisation string/handrail", "Optimisation string/rail" and "Optimisation handrail/rail".
    The various optimisations mentioned above have also been given the choice of setting the type of optimisation.
    Standard: Optimisation is carried out in a way to create a nesting aggregate component as small as possible.
    Component beginning/end: A type of optimisation attempting to position the component ends in a way that it is possible to perform a joint saw cut on one side, at least. At first, the beginning of the component is checked. If no optimisation is possible here, the end of the component will be used.
    Component end/beginning: A type of optimisation attempting to position the component ends in a way that it is possible to perform a joint saw cut at least at one side. At first, the end of the component is checked. If no optimisation is possible here, the beginning of the component will be used.
    Cut beginning/end: This optimisation makes sense when components are intersected with each other at an angle. This type of optimisation tries to group the components together so that the mitre cuts can be processed with a saw cut. Firstly, the cut at the beginning of the component is checked. If no optimisation is possible here, the cut at the end of the component will be used.
    Cut end/beginning: This optimisation makes sense when components are intersected with each other at an angle. This type of optimisation tries to group the components together so that the mitre cuts can be processed with a saw cut. Firstly, the cut at the end of the component is checked. If no optimisation is possible here, the cut at the beginning of the component will be used.
    If the components to be optimised are in the Nesting Manager, they can be marked and the type of optimisation desired can be selected. The aggregate components required with their components will be listed under "Nesting, aggregate components". Basically, those components that lie on top of each other in the construction will always be optimised together. It is also considered that possible baluster drill-holes in a component will be orientated towards the outside of the nesting aggregate component. It is always possible to manually place another component into the nesting aggregate component.




  • It is now possible to enter a projection for tenon cut-outs of treads in the post by means of the entry "TS_UEBER_PF_ZAPF= (Value)" in the INI file. This setting enables the milling over of tenon cut-outs in the post by the value entered if the cut-outs end directly at the post outline.
  • Users can now also jointly optimise cut string and railing or cut string and rail in the "Automatic stair output..." feature. Consequently, users must determine a designation in the print output and select the type of optimisation desired in the column "Drawing". Furthermore, a plan template, display settings and a scale have to be allocated. The minimum distance between the components and the distance between the scarf joint edges can be entered in column "P" (parameter). By selecting the "Print" command, those components that lie on top of each other in the construction will always be optimised together.
    A designation/name must be determined and the designated type of optimisation selected for the machine export in the column "Component". The minimum distance between the components and the distance to the component not yet machined can be entered in column "P" (parameter). Again, by selecting the "Print" command, those components that lie on top of each other in the construction will always be optimised together. This new feature is very relevant for machine production, since it is possible to combine narrow and broad components. The suction devices can be positioned below the broad component.


3D Objects


  • The preview when placing 3D objects will now be updated correctly again. (Lehner)


Floor Wall


  • As of Version 18-1, MCAD macros with a link to members will now also create components in the layers right and left. In addition, this technology has also been enhanced for windows, doors and macros. (Company Pfletschinger)


Structural Analysis


  • The new update of the "Friedrich und Lochner" structural analysis program is available on the SEMA website Frilo System Next 4.2017.515. After the installation of "Frilo System Next", it is possible to install the new version "R-2017-2-SEMA" with the update button in the "Frilo System Next".
    It is mandatory to install the SEMA program Version 17-2 and the FRILO Update before using the following new features.
  • The new "timber stanchion" FRILO program "Holzstütze" (HO1+) has replaced the former "Holzstütze" (HO1) to serve as the new standard program for the structural dimensioning and load distribution of timber stanchions from the SEMA program.
    The new FRILO program surface enables the calculation of one-piece and multi-piece cross-sections which are flexibly connected to each other. Please refer to the FRILO manual or the Product Information Sheet for further information about the new FRILO timber stanchion.
  • Outdated structural standards will be removed from the pre-settings for the calculation (Alt F7). Highly topical Eurocodes for the respective country are available for the structural calculation.
  • The utilisation of the deflection displayed in the calculation window has been corrected for calculations with "ÖNORM EN 1995:2015". (Frank)


Single Member


  • As of now, the BVX2 Export also provides the option to export no nesting for the components in addition to the already existing options (export of a nesting for the top side and export of a nesting for both sides). The respective settings can be made in the general settings of the BVX2 Export, category “General“ where you can find the option “Create nesting for components“ with the setting options “No“, “Only top“ and “Both sides“. (Sterk)


IFC Import/Export


  • The export of roof areas with skew surface has been enabled. (Cadalbert)
  • Terrain heights will now be exported correctly. (Cadalbert)