Punching of Timber Members in all Planes

Creation of processings on timber members by simple punching.

Wherever a wall or floor has to be penetrated, punching is required. Exemplarily, in a wall with openings for a ventilation system or the penetration for a chimney vent. Variable punching dies are also much asked for when working with ornamental forms of timber components.


The new "Punch" command now makes it very easy to create punching dies from components. All timber components are punched in the program in each drawing plane, the sectional view or the view. Each punching process creates automatic processing on the timber component, such as cuts, scarf joints, bird's mouths, cut-outs, contours and drillings, which can be transferred into the Single member ready for machining without further adaptation required. 

Machining is thus always guaranteed, provided that the machine supports the processing. 

Furthermore, the components can be changed afterwards without affecting the processings on the timber - the processings are all retained.


If the components' depth is changed subsequently, the processings also adapt in the punching direction. Since the processings are component-related, they are not lost either when moving, copying or mirroring the component.
