Cutting out components from the layer and inserting them again

From Version 23.4 on, it is possible to copy panel components in walls and roof-floor panels from one existing layer into another layer thanks to the latest new features in the area of coverings. Coverings in the macro container also benefit from this new function.

When copying panel components, the new function "Without layer info" can be used to insert the components into the new layer. Alternatively, the option “With layer info” can be selected to place the components back in the original layer.


Needless to say, all parameters such as "Bedstop-dependent" or "At wall axis" also apply to covering macros and coverings. These new functions enable that panel components can be adjusted even more flexibly and the master data can be enormously reduced.


- Efficient designing: Components can be transferred to other layers without any additional drawing effort - time and resources are saved during design.
- Flexibility: The reduction of coverage macros in the master data and the decoupling of layer belonging allow for flexible adaptation to new requirements.
- Easy allocation: The macro block container enables easy allocation of components in the construction tab of a layer.